
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Lol

    By 💦2️⃣🪨
    If the world was ending this would be the last thing I buy no matter how good it is.
  • Stop you whining!😡

    By ghazs
    It’s not a cash grab. There’s so much songs! So…WHY do YOU think it’s a cash grab?!?! 👊😡👊
  • 1 Penny Short of a HUNDRED DOLLARS!

    By Hamwhipper
    Monumental album. All the tracks are very interesting the way a biography is interesting. BUT there's no way anybody's paying $100 for a biography. This is the exact kind of thing that Foo Fighters would release for free.
  • why the deluxe

    By crazyguycool
    I LOVE the origonal album and you can get it for only ten dollars but NO ONE is going to buy this
  • 100 bones??

    By vXEtherealXv
    IMO the best metal album in history but $100? I wouldn't even pay that in ransom for someone I liked.
  • Economics

    By Nightwing45667
    Learn it! The going price for a single three minute track on iTunes is $1.29. this album, however, consists of 137 tracks with average length of over five minutes. it stands to reason, then that this price is perfect for the set being offered. Too many people today just want stuff for free. That's not how it works, sorry. if you want 8 tracks: get the album, 37: get the expanded edition, 137: get this. You want none of it? don't buy any of it, but don't criticize the price, its 100 dollars for 137 songs.
  • Who would buy this?

    By Swagreninja
    I’m a Metallica fan, but this is something that a box set would go for. Not worth it.
  • Derp

    By DungeonMonkey
    How lacking in dignity and common sense does a band have to be to release a $100 album that is just decades old material supplemented with tracks it could not possibly hope to sell on their own merits?
  • The mighty

    By Woooooooooot
    Metal masters!
  • Why not a little bit less

    By Eddietherattlehead
    This better have all their songs if I am about to spend all my money on them