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Title Artist Time


  • Underrated, has aged well

    By martin doudoroff
    Disable all the “segue” tracks (or don’t, if you like them) and you’ve got a strong, varied batch of songs. A story and characters may have been a necessary launch pad for this project, but the songs that resulted can stand on their own.
  • Way over everyone's head

    By Wolfdude78
    Most critics dismissed this record (although a few critics did praise it), maybe they thought Bowie was past his prime but I assure you this album is up there with Hunky Dory, Station to Station, Low etc. It took me a few listens to appreciate this album's brilliance and I really believe that Outside will still sound fresh 100 years from now. A masterpiece and one amazing piece of work!
  • futuristic

    By tadyo
    I’m waiting for this album and Earthling to get remastered before I purchase. Considering they made this in 95 it is incredible. Way ahead of its time. No one takes chances on music like this anymore.
  • Misunderstood Masterpiece

    By 31songs
    Critics didn’t much like Outside when it was released. I think time proved them wrong; the album has endured and now looks better than ever. It’s a brilliant line-up and one of Bowie’s best albums. Yes, there are some weird voices. Yes, there is some drama in the music. But that’s the majestic theatre of David Bowie. If you like him, you should like this album.
  • Criminally underrated

    By The Offwhite Knight
    For fans of Ziggy Stardust, this is such a complete departure from Bowies 70s heyday that it has inspired a lot of hatred from otherwise fanatical Bowie fans. And that's utterly unfair. Messy, industrial, postmodern, it's really a 21st cyberpunk opera, with spoken word bits flowing and surrounding alternately aggressive and beautiful songs. It's shockingly coherent for something so seemingly messy and it really rewards repeated listening. It's a great record and, personally, long been one of my "desert island discs."
  • Outside

    By Caroline.name
    Outside is my favorite David Bowie album. I'm Deranged, No Control, The Motel, Segue- Ramona A. Stone- I am With Name, The Heart's Filthy Lesson....so many great songs on this album. I would have to list all the songs... Outside deserves more praise. It is so different. Five stars. Would give more stars if I could. I hope that David Bowie releases the outtakes. Thanks David Bowie!
  • Another Apex

    By johnemr
    Bowie and Brian Eno are back together on this record and the results are as hot as Low and Heroes were. This is some of Bowie's best since the Scary Monsters era...